World Vegan Day + a GIVEAWAY!

Happy World Vegan Day, everyone! I’m celebrating this awesome day and the end of MoFo by hosting my first ever giveaway!

I have to say, the stars must’ve been aligning to lead me to the delicious world of veganism, because recently I’ve won quite a few giveaways. First I won my spiralizer from Katie. Then I won a copy of Jennifer Cornbleet’s Raw For Dessert from Vegan Visitor, followed by a fun selection of vegan smoothie and drink mixes from Pixiepine. Finally, I just saw that I won one of the awesome MoFo-inspired handmade keychains from Vessels and Wares. Add to that the various cookbooks I’ve won by responding to various Tweets quickly, and I’m beginning to realize that I’m a lucky little vegan! I’m not used to ever winning these sorts of random drawings, so this is exciting and strange.

Anyway, now it’s time for me to share something with all of you! In honor of Kittee from the fantastic Cake Maker to the Stars, I’m going to be giving away a copy of her cookzine, Papa Tofu. Kittee put together the master list of MoFo participants and generally helped make it a truly awesome Month o’ Food, so I thought it’d be nice to give away her zine. I felt like I’d completed some sort of vegan rite of passage when I ordered two copies from Herbivore! Although I haven’t gotten them in yet, I’ve wanted to get my hands on this hot little zine for a while now. Kittee has lots of great many recipes and helpful info over at PakuPaku, and she promises that Papa Tofu “is designed to be a handy-dandy “best of” print edition. Something you can slap on the counter, while you run to see if you’ve got enough shortening left to make frosting.” Umm, sounds good to me! And I’m probably going to throw a few extra treats into the box when I mail this out, but I haven’t decided what they’ll be yet. ;)

I nabbed this photo from Herbivore.

This contest is super easy to enter. Just leave a comment telling me the most delicious thing you’ve eaten today. You can earn an additional two entries by blogging and/or Tweeting about the contest. Just come back here and leave another comment for each extra entry. The giveaway will end on Wednesday, November 11th. Good luck!

14 thoughts on “World Vegan Day + a GIVEAWAY!

  1. Ooo, I would love to get my hands on a zine! As for the most delicious thing I’ve eaten today…. probably the bosc pear I ate for breakfast, it was so incredibly sweet and juicy! Thanks for the giveaway! :) -Eve


  2. Oooh, I didn’t even know that she had one-whoops! I had a delicious dried fruit laden trail mix today, I love me some dried fruit and this one has all manner of fancy fruits: mango, pineapple, kiwi, cherries, raisins, papaya, banana, and apple


  3. I would like to win this zine! It’s still early in the day, but I’ve munched on a mix of peanuts, raisins, and dark chocolate chips. It was nice with coffee.


  4. I’ve been super sick, and my amazing husband made some of our favorite soup – which is delicious any day, but even better when half dead and not having had to make it myself! It has tender bits (with which I am obsessed), farfelle pasta (bowties), various herbs and spices, carrots and, most importantly, parsnips. So so good!


  5. I had to hack open a couple of Thai young coconuts this afternoon, and I blended some of the coconut water with frozen banana and blueberries to make a yummy smoothie! It was so refreshing and definitely the most delicious part of my day (although I am going out to get guacamole in a second… which will almost always be most-delicious-food-of-the-day for me)!

    I would love me some Papa Tofu :-P


  6. Pingback: Just a Wee Little Post « La Vida Vegga

  7. Pingback: Giveaway Winner Time! « La Vida Vegga

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